Parents' Association

At Scoil Bhrdíe we have a very supportive and active Parents' Association who work with the school on a number of initiatives including fundraising. Both in the past and in more recent times the PA run a number of fundraisers that have greatly added to the amenities at Scoil Bhríde and indeed the learning opportunities for our pupils.

The current executive position of the PA include:

Chairperson: Kelly Duffy

Secretary: Claire O Shaughnessy

Treasurer: Bláithín Mc Dermott

Parents' Association Role

The Education Act, 1998 sets down the role of the Parents' Association: The Parents' Association works with the principal, staff and the Board of Management to build effective partnership of home and school.

A Parents' Association shall promote the interests of the students in a school in co-operation with the board, principal, teachers and students.