Creative Schools Programme
Over the last two years Ms Furey led the Creative Schools Project in our school. It was a wonderful opportunity for all pupils in the school to work with different artists.
With the help of Catherine Sheridan the Creative Associate the Arts Squad and Ms Furey embarked on a journey to tap into the imaginations and creativity of our pupils and what came out of it were 3 great projects.
Above is wonderful short Film Production titled 'Leacach Ár nÁit Dúchais' where 5th and 6th class pupils put together a compilation of narration song and music that details many of the well known and perhaps lesser well know historical point of interests about our area and parish. It was a wonderful journey of learning brining history to life opening the eyes of the pupils into the world of film production. Graham Cantwell was the Artist who worked with the pupils on this project and he did a great job.
Our 2nd 3rd and 4th Class Pupils worked with on the design and painting our beautiful new School Mural ' Faoi Bhrat Bhríde'. Our mural was again brainstormed by the pupils and the Arts Squad and it shows Brat Bhríde/Brigid's Cloak spreading outover our area. Many iconic symbols of our area can be see and it ties in beautifully with the Story of Brigid's ( Our School's Patron Saint) Cloaks spreading our over the vales and lands nurturing for those under her care.
With our third project our infants we worked with Rosemarie Langtry and they used recyclable art material to construct a fairy village. It stands underneath a Hawthorn Tree at the front of our school which is indeed a mythical tree said to have connections with fairies and spirits. Well maybe we have given them a gift of homes and items to explore and make of their own.